Online courses for fashion, retail, sports, and lifestyle professionals
Each course topic comes with a Playbook. First, we walk you through our playbook for growth in the course. Then you dive deeper into the month's theme with supporting resources online, and in the community discussions.
👩💻 Engaging Content
This course is filled with case scenarios, supplementary video, engaging content and resources to help you learn and apply the Profitable Markdowns course learnings.
✅ The Playbook
The Markdown Strategy Playbook is where you will map your plan for the coming month(s), and track your progress. This ensures you're not just "learning", but you have a plan of action for your business.
🖤 Community
You'll be learning and growing together with like-minded wholesale leaders and brand managers.
? Q&A hotline
Access to facilitators to answer questions regarding material and application to your business.
🏆 Certificate
A digital badge and certificate to share on social to let everyone know you are building your skills. The Certificate demonstrates your mastery and understanding of markdowns.
We limit the number of subscribers in each course at a given time. As more of you joined our online workshops, our numbers grew (which ultimately ensures you get engaging updated courses). But we want to maintain access to our instructors and valuable learning experiences rooted in feedback and discussion. So you may notice that some of our courses are sold out, temporarily. Put yourself on the waitlist, and we’ll notify you when a spot opens up again (usually within 2-3 months). Save your seat below.
Not purely conceptual or theoretical, we develop courses that contextualize our business today. Read about The Markdown Shift and 2023’s Recession Opportunities.
One of our central operating models is Continuous Improvement. That means our courses are updated - often. Which works out well, because we work in fashion and it’s an industry that never stays still.
Our courses reflect the many changes happening at a quick pace in our industry. They feature more examples outside of the traditional retail model, and includes resale, temporary, and partnership focused models. We also focus on the digital expertise needed in today's market environment.
Demand Planning online course
Demand planning is truly an art and a science. A good pre-season plan has elements of risk management built in, with optimism for the best business opportunities. If you are a distributor, a sales rep, buyer, or merchandise planner, you’ll get something out of this workshop. Join us.
Merchandise Planning Intensive
This online Merchandise Planning Course emphasizes the interconnectedness between the various aspects of a profitable business: sales, the customer, markdowns, inventory management, store productivity, and supplier capabilities. Join us today.
Profitable Markdowns
To see markdowns in a new way, a mastery of the connection between consumer psychology, brand strength, and the commerce of markdowns is key. Deepen your understanding at the item and market level. The tools, content, and best-practice resources will enable a stronger strategy, from the first to the last markdown.
The 2023 Wholesale Playbook
Learn how to protect and grow your business in any economic environment in this six-month course series. Inside you'll find an action-driven playbook for navigating uncertainty, nurturing customers and maximizing opportunities, even in a recession.